- 2.6” IPS LCD display (Rainbow IPS RIPS V4 2022)
- Snorlax Pokémon DMG shell (Stone & Oak) with white glass screen
- FunnyPlaying DMG speaker
- Custom buttons, power switch, d-pad and link port cover.
Snorlax DMG Game Boy in a clear plastic cradle.
Video of opening screen of The Legend of Zelda: Links Awakening.
Video of opening screen of The Legend of Zelda: Links Awakening.
Glamor shot!
RAPS V4 IPS display board & main board installed in Snorlax shell, ready to be buttoned up!
What’s left of the original DMG gameboy. Nice upgrade.
Obligatory Zelda photo
And the obligatory Pokémon photo
Work Completed on Main Board & Components:
- All battery connectors washed in white vinegar. Positive connector desoldered from the board and washed in vinegar over night to remove battery corrosion.
- Scrubbed all components with 90% alcohol.
What’s left to do?
- Replace power LED with purple (LED ordered)
- Swap stock power board for CleanPower DMG (v2.0) DC-Regulator Board. (ordered)
- Replace screen with white glass 2.6” screen. (ordered)
- Originally ordered the wrong size screen. The 2.45” screen is almost usable but it still covers too many pixels on the edge.
- Replace capacitors with factory new caps (TBD)